
Carolina Battleship NC

Why Work with your Small Business Center?

Why Work with your Small Business Center?

The Small Business Association is a valuable resource for your business venture regardless of size or industry. In addition to the wealth of information contained on the SBA site including this link to locating your local SBC Small Business Center.  In my state of NC there are 52 Small Business Centers though the network of community colleges and state university system.

We can’t be experts at everything and the SBC can help bridge the gap with guidance and bringing in outside resources to reach your goals. We know our products, manufacturing, accounting and how to create attractive marketing materials. But navigating new market channels and getting our ducks in a row for federal contracting requires professional direction & advice. I will outline more about resources including PTAC Procurement and Technical Centers, and SCORE in a future blog.

Building Block Benefits with SBC: We learned the importance of and created our Capability Statement including the information that federal contracting agents and prime contractors use to locate and team with suppliers. In fact on October 16th we are exhibiting at the FEDCON 2014 Summit  at the Wilmington, NC Convention center hosted by the North Carolina Military Business Center, also within the SBA network.

The “FEDCON Summit” brings together over 600 representatives of the Corps of Engineers, Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Fort Bragg, Marine Corps Installations East/Camp Lejeune, MCAS Cherry Point, Seymour Johnson AFB, US Coast Guard, Department of Veterans Affairs, General Services Administration, other federal agencies and installations, general and specialty contractors, designers and construction suppliers in North Carolina. Without the guidance of the SBC and the NCMBC we would have missed this opportunity to connect with these high level contacts.

I encourage you to visit the Small Business Association to see how you can benefit from this free and professional organization. 

FEDCON Summit 2014